2021 Recap : The COVID Years - Part Two
With 2021 soon to be ended it is that time again when I look back at what I wrote a year ago and see what I have managed to achieve and what has been heaved to one side and discarded.
With COVID running wild throughout the country there were no shows going on during the first half of the year, with several being pushed back until later in the year. The Joy of Six went ahead though it was held virtually. The ability to talk to several people about future projects and games they are planning to put on was enjoyable, though the atmosphere of a proper show was missing, but hopefully 2022 will see things back to normal. Finally, in November I actually managed to get to a show in person, only to find out the supplier I was picking up figures from had cancelled at the last minute due to illness. Still, it wasn't a totally wasted trip I managed to pick up some bases for a new project and a couple of reference books I will need this year.
As far as gaming went there is absolutely nothing to report with no games played at all. I still do not have a space for putting down the playing boards, but I live in hope for 2022 in that I will get to play something at sometime in the year.
So, on to what I have been painting this year. I managed to get a few ECW bases of pikemen and musketeers done, which means I am calling the ECW project complete for now. The are still the Montrose and Irish Confederation armies to do, but I am in no hurry to get them done yet.
The bulk of the year was filled up with painting French, Prussian, British and a few Portuguese Napoleonic figures. I managed to finish the French Peninsular forces as well as some Carabiniers and Cuirassiers like I had planned to, then I saw some lovely Imperial Guard figures from Grumbler Miniatures so I decided to make a start on the Imperial Guard for either 1813 or 1815.
Sadly, my painting and photography skills do not really do justice to the beauty of these figures. I ended up doing quite a few bases of Imperial Guard infantry, in fact, enough for all of the 1815 campaign and a significant portion of the Guard in 1813. Cavalry and Artillery followed next and then I decided to get a few more 1815 cavalry regiments to cover the Right Wing under Grouchy. I would probably done more, but I ran out of space in the figure case!
So, next up were the Prussians, I had started out planning to do the 1813 campaign but I decided to do 1815 instead but with units specific for 1813 added in, such as the two Foot Guards regiments and the six Grenadier battalions. Instead of using Baccus figures for the Cuirassier and Dragoon regiments I went with Grumbler Miniatures as the models looked gorgeous.
By the time the Prussians were finished it was the middle of November, so I decided to reduce down the resin pile and get a load of buildings done which had been hanging around for about a year.
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