The End of Summer Update

 Well, again several months have flown by without me giving any sort of update as to how things have gone.  But, in my defence I have been a bit busy painting and reorganising things.  First things first though, my purchases.  I decided to take the plunge and pick up the Jutland fleets from Navwar and they will make a nice future project, probably 2022 the rate I am going.  On the English Civil War project, I now have all the figures needed to create the musketeer and pike only regiments and they are planned to be next on the painting desk after the the current batch of French Napoleonic troops are finished.  On the subject of the Napoleonic project, I also picked up some packs of Spanish figures to add to the British forces at some point.  Apart from figures, I have been busy buying up several sets of Renaissance rules including a set I loved back in the 1980's, the 5th edition of Tercio which I picked up when I had 15mm French Catholic and Huguenot armies.  In addition to Tercio I have ordered 'Repent or Die' and 'Baroque' rule sets based on recommendations on the Facebook page for The Pike and Shot Society.

So, now on to the painting updates, after finishing off the British I moved on to the French, like I said in my previous update, the progression of them though has been a bit slower than I would have liked.  At the moment I have managed to get fourteen out of the eighteen infantry bases and two of the eight artillery bases completed.  All I need to do now is to regain some of the energy I had at the start of the year to get the rest of the Army of the South finished.  

With regard to specific projects, I consider the English Civil War virtually completed.  All that it needs are the musketeer and pike only units, which will be next to be painted after the French Army is done.

The Peninsula War project is ongoing and should be ready for a game towards the end of the year, the 1813 German campaign project will take up a lot of time next year, with additional French units as well as Prussian and Russian units to add to the paint queue.

With me pushing back the Jutland project to 2022 that might leave a small gap for me to throw in a smallish project I am considering.  The French Wars of Religion.

It is a bit sudden and probably after much thought I will drop the plan, but, there is just something that draws me back to this conflict.  I mean what is not to love about seeing Landsknect pike blocks on the table.  The problem for me though is scale, I would love to do it in 6mm, but I just can't find the right figures for it.  So, I am looking at 10mm for this project and it looks like Pendraken do the figures that I need for it.  Going to a larger scale though mean storage issues and as we are looking at downsizing our property anyway, the entire project could be a non-starter. 

Another project that I am supporting is a Pony Wars project, Baccus are producing some figures for it and I have pre-ordered the reprint of the original rules from the 1980's, so it might be a fun diversion.

As far as actual games go, I have managed to get a couple of Twilight of Divine Right games done.  Both of the scenarios were taken from Programmed Wargame Scenarios book by Charles Grant, the first was Hill Line Defence and the second one was Broken Ground.  Hill Line Defence was very much a learning experience so for the Broken Ground scenario I added in the Random Event system to enhance things.  I will be doing a couple of battle reports to cover the action, especially as I am going to link several scenarios together into a short narrative campaign.

So that just about brings things up to date, so I am off to chain myself to the painting table again.


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