Lockdown Update

Well it has been a while again since I last posted anything here and quite a few things have been happening when it comes to my gaming life.

Firstly, I have decided to put the Montrose army on hold for a bit, I need a break from the 17th Century after getting what I can of the Scots Covenanter army finished.  I still have to get a couple of regiments of dragoons for the army and maybe some more cavalry.  But, for now I will set them aside and concentrate on the Napoleonic armies I have got piling up.

Here is the completed Parliamentarian army all laid out.

This is the Royalist army, it is of similar size to the Parliament army, though there are a couple of extra cavalry regiments.

Finally, the Scots Covenanters.

Regarding the table, I have changed my mind and have purchased an eight by four piece of MDF, which was cut up into a pair of three by four boards and a two by four mini board.  The reason for abandoning the folding table plan was that there was not enough room to set it up after I had moved the painting station into the room.  Even now I will be limited to using just a single 3 x 4 board until I can get a bigger room.

So, on to the Napoleonic project, I am going to start with the British infantry battalions that I will need for the Peninsula, and a few for the Hundred Day campaign.  Before the lockdown I had managed to get one stand done (1st Foot Guards), but since then I have managed two more Foot Guards (Coldstream and 3rd Foot Guards) and four Kings German Legion Line Infantry battalions.

I will be finishing off a further two KGL Line battalions in the next day or so, which will give me enough KGL Line battalions for both campaigns.

So, that is where we are on the painting front, and the lockdown might even allow me to get a few ECW games done.


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