Farewell to 2019

As 2019 draws to an end, I think a small review is in order along with a chance to make some predictions for the new decade.

So, looking back first of all at my end of year thoughts from last year and I feel quite good about what I have accomplished this year.  For three quarters of the year I was able to paint at a steady rate and I have managed to get both the Parliamentarian and Royalist armies completed and if I had not had the turmoil of the past three months I am sure the Covenanters would have been finished as well.  As it stands, I am still working on the Horse regiments, with nearly four completed now, just another nine to go, after that I still have a couple of dragoon regiments and the artillery train to sort out.

I think I have all the terrain I need now for the English Civil War and Napoleonic games I am planning, so all I have to do now is to get the buildings painted.  The one thing that I failed in getting sorted was the table, so still no games played.  This is something I do need to rectify as soon as I can in 2020, firstly though I need to get a space sorted out for it.  I think I am going to go with the folding table despite the cost of it, just so that if needed I can set it up anywhere in the house.

I managed to get to all the shows that I planned to go to in the year and also managed a quick trip north of the border to the Claymore show, they were all fantastic and was even able to convince my wife to come along to a few of them.  She liked coming along so much that she bought some of the Doctor Who figures from Warlord Games and at Battleground she picked up a building from Sarissa Precision Ltd to have a go at.  Of course this raises a couple of small problems, we will be fighting for time at the painting table once she gets around to starting to paint.  Also, if she is going to be making 28mm terrain I had better do something with it, so I have started a small Very British Civil War side project, this will be something I will work on very slowly I think as I will need to improve my painting significantly for 28mm figures.

So, on to my hopes for 2020. well as far as the English Civil War armies go, I certainly want to finish off the Covenanters in the first quarter, as well as getting a small Montrose army done, which I picked up at Battleground show.  After that it will be full steam ahead with the Napoleonic project, I now have British, French, Prussian and recently added the Russians.  I still have to consider getting some Spanish for the Peninsula theatre.  I should have enough Prussians and Russians for the 1813 Army of Silesia, so that should keep me busy for the rest of the year.

What shows am I going to attend in 2020?  I think I will give Vapnartak in York a miss this year, I  did enjoy going last year, but I quite fancy doing a different one to kick the year off with.  My first show of the year will be Hammerhead at Newark in the middle of March, after that it will be Joy of Six, Claymore, Border Reiver and then Battleground.  I might try to squeeze in Fiasco in Leeds  as I had to pass on it this year.

I am thinking of pushing back the Napoleonic Naval project to 2021 as I have a mountain of metal to get through this coming year, but we will see how things work out later in the year.  Other future projects include;

  • WW2 or Cold War Micro Armour
  • Very British Civil War 28mm skirmish 
So, that is about it for this year, with just over an hour of 2019 left I think it is time for me to go off and finishing the bases of three Scots Horse regiments and continue painting number four.

Until next year then, when I might remember to take some photos for this blog, may you always roll what you need.  Happy New Year!


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