Work In Progress

It has been a busy week here, I have managed to press ahead with getting the existing regiments painted and out of the pending box. I got a couple of regiments of foot and a regiment of horse fully painted and based and a regiment of both foot and horse sprayed and ready to be painted this week.  The completed foot regiments were done as Lord Molyneux and Sir Lewis Dyves regiments and the horse regiment was done as Prince Maurice's Regiment.

The standards on both of the regiments are just really generic standards.  I have just ordered a few sheets of Royalist flags, both foot and horse, from Wargames Designs and will replace theses generic ones with specific ones for each regiment.

Well the base for the regiment of horse turned out a bit better than the last one, but the guidon is still far from perfect, or even acceptable, so I think that when I have a spare cornet I will try to remove the flag moulding and then replace it with a paper one.  That should be fun to try!


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