More Finished Regiments

I finally managed to get the last few regiments from my initial order completed this week. The foot were straight forward, but, this time on the cavalry regiments I removed the moulded standards and replaced them with brass wire poles to hold the standards from Wargames Designs. The use of these standards really does improve the look of the regiments and I am very happy with the new poles. Here are the pictures of the regiments finished this week. So, with the total now standing at eight regiments of foot and five regiments of horse completed that brings the total number of figures painted up to 333, just another 779 to go plus whatever I pick up at the show this coming Sunday. The next two sets of figures to be completed will be a dismounted dragoon regiment and another foot regiment, though with this one I am going to armour the pikemen and paint them at the Kings Lifeguard. Though with the show at the weekend I am going to be a little swamped here to ...