Tricky Decisions

The first tricky decision is deciding on the scale I want to use, 28mm or 15mm are going to be out of my budget and also I will not have the storage space for them.  10mm is marginal for my current budget and also for storage, so I have opted for one of the smaller scales 6mm.  With 6mm you get a high number of figures for the money which translates into plenty of units and a visually pleasing battlefield.

The next decision is to decide on what armies to get.  My first love has always been the Napoleonic era, but I could spend the next six months deciding on what armies to get, maybe while I am getting used to painting figures again I will work on a Napoleonic project and make a decision about it.  The same logic also applies to Ancient armies, too many to choose from.
So, I will go with the Renaissance period and specifically the English Civil War between 1642-1651, at least there were just the two sides to choose between (if you discount the Scots).

In the past I have used both WRG Renaissance rules and also Tercio rules for games, but both of those systems use casualty removals.  As I will be using 6mm figures then figure removal will be awkward, so I will use a set of rules that do not require this, so I have decided to use the Polemos English Civil War rules by Baccus.


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