The First Regiment

The first regiment of foot is now completed.  I decided to update my painting by moving away from the enamels of my past and to give acrylics a try, so off I went and picked up about fifteen Vallejo acrylic paints.

Painting the figures was fairly straightforward, it is great that the figures come in strips of four, which fit neatly on to a UK 2p piece to use as a holder.  I started off by undercoating the figures using a black spray can, though once this can is empty I might give a white undercoat a try.  I would have liked to have done the Kings Lifeguard as my first regiment, but I don't have the correct standard for them yet, so, it is going to be Sir Thomas Salusbury's Regiment of Foot.  They had red coats and the standard was either red, blue or white, so I will go with a blue one.

Now my painting has never been the best and given the scale I will certainly not be making highly detailed figures so no detailed faces or lacework and no shading.  They will be quite basic, but hopefully the more I do the better they will become.  I will be basing the figures using the Baccus Basing System which looks pretty straightforward and a huge improvement on the beer mats I used all those years ago.

So, that is the first foot regiment done, now to try my hand at a regiment of horse.


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