
Showing posts from November, 2019

Autumnal Update

Well, this entry is about three months later than I had planned it to be, but a lot has been happening here that have meant I have not felt like doing much.  In the middle of September my father in law passed away quite suddenly and since then I seem to have succumbed to ennui and a return of the low mood that gripped me several years ago.  So, I have not really picked up a paintbrush since then, but, hopefully that will change soon. However, before all this happened I did manage to do a few positive things.  Firstly I finished off the Royalist and Parliament armies so they at least are ready to go.  The Covenanters are also coming along with 12 of the sixteen regiments of foot already painted and based, that just leaves four regiments of foot, thirteen horse regiments a couple of dragoon regiments and some artillery to do before the end of the year.  So, no pressure then.  I have also managed to purchase quite a few new buildings, which are proving to be...