Dismounted Infantry and Vapnartak 2019

The week leading up to Vapnartak was a bit of a busy one, but I managed to get the Dragoons finished and as a bonus I got the Kings Lifeguard done as well.  My hunt for Royalist dragoon guidons was a little less successful though, I have painted the regiment as James Usshers Regiment of Dragoons and the only guidon I could find that might relate to the regiment belonged to Colonel Henry Washington who took command after James Ussher was killed.  So, I am just going to paint a basic plain guidon in black.

I am fairly happy with the way they turned out, including the guidon.  The only problem was that there was not enough room on the base for the horse holder and horses, I will put these onto a separate 30mm x 30mm base and place them on the table when they are needed.

Next up were the Lifeguard which were straightforward, though I decided to vary them from my previous foot regiments by painting the pikemen as being armoured rather than with just a buff coat.  The standards I got from Wargames Designs come with several ones for the Lifeguard, so I will end up doing a second regiment of them in the future, which will tie in nicely with the need for two bases per regiment for the Twilight rules.

It was great to attend Vapnartak 2019, though the weather almost made me cancel going there.  I really enjoyed having a look around the traders and also the games that were going on.  As far as my shopping list was concerned, I managed to get quite a bit of it.  Though before I got there I knew that the main item I wanted, a terrain set from S & A Scenics would not be available, I did manage to get some very nice hedges and trees.  As far as my Baccus shopping list went I managed to grab the beginnings of my Parliament Army as well as a lot of cuirassiers, more than I could ever need.  I also picked up a few items of terrain, including cottages, a church and a pack of fields.  There were several items I could not get, but I put in order for those items when I got back.


  1. Hi Martin. Great to see you painting up figures again. ECW is a great choice. I remember our adventures with WRG Renaissance, but I agree there are probably better choices now :-)


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