Dismounted Infantry and Vapnartak 2019

The week leading up to Vapnartak was a bit of a busy one, but I managed to get the Dragoons finished and as a bonus I got the Kings Lifeguard done as well. My hunt for Royalist dragoon guidons was a little less successful though, I have painted the regiment as James Usshers Regiment of Dragoons and the only guidon I could find that might relate to the regiment belonged to Colonel Henry Washington who took command after James Ussher was killed. So, I am just going to paint a basic plain guidon in black. I am fairly happy with the way they turned out, including the guidon. The only problem was that there was not enough room on the base for the horse holder and horses, I will put these onto a separate 30mm x 30mm base and place them on the table when they are needed. Next up were the Lifeguard which were straightforward, though I decided to vary them from my previous foot regiments by painting the pikemen as being armoured rather than with just a buff coat. Th...